Just Because You Can
October 19, 2015Move fast, Think faster
December 16, 2015Reflection (as in “contemplation”) n. : a calm, lengthy, intent consideration
Over the last month or so, I have found myself taking more and more time out for reflection. As I did, I began to question ‘why’. I realised it wasn’t because of the fact we were overseas, although I have to admit Hawaii is not a bad place to be if one is to spend time on reflection. It wasn’t that I was stuck in the past or having any problems with moving forward.
Maybe age was an influence. Not because the used by date was getting closer, but more in the way that with age comes the opportunity to reflect over a longer period of time.
In the end it became very evident that there were numerous reasons as to why I didn’t need to reflect, and yet I was.
From that I came to a quick conclusion that there was no particular reason for me to spend time on reflection. However, I soon changed my mind after realising there was one key reason as to why I could and should.
And for me that was a huge realisation and one that I wanted to share. Not because it was/is an earth shattering realisation. But because for many there are numerous reasons why they never take a minute or two to spend upon reflection.
The main one I guess would be the reason, I would imagine that as it was for me it is the same for many, simply put there is no particular reason or need to spend time on reflection. Another quite common reason is when reflection is seen as nothing more than an exercise in psycho babble.
For some there maybe certain negativity associated with reflection. So therefore reflection only brings up pain from the past, which is quite understandable. However like any situation in the end, you have total control over what you see, think, take on board and relive.
Like any aspect of life, if we look hard enough we can always find a negative. However, as has been shown in my circumstance of late, I think in the right way reflection can be a very positive experience. It can provide perspective and understanding. It can generate gratitude and gratefulness to name a few.
But for anyone to take full advantage of the benefits of reflection, you need to give yourself time and space to actually spend time doing it. And me, I am probably as guilty as anyone as to why I didn’t reflect as much as I should. Basically, I fell into the trap of ‘busy’.
‘Busy’ is the most widely used excuse for the lack of many things. It has become the one size fits all excuse.
As a society we applaud the effort of physical labour, but often fall short in our ability to recognise the worth of psychological labour. Perhaps with the exception of problem solving, crisis management or the like?
Going forward provides time and space to allow yourself to reflect and from that reflection, perhaps comes the opportunity and or ability, to dream about how those past experiences can help shape the future.
For mine it is time well spent and I need to do it more often, so as to make sure that…
The Journey Continues!