Things We Should Know How To Do But Perhaps Are/Were Never Taught
December 16, 2018
People Power
January 16, 2019
Things We Should Know How To Do But Perhaps Are/Were Never Taught
December 16, 2018
People Power
January 16, 2019
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I Need Your Support

As you may be aware I am Director of Hunter Life Education and although I never publicly canvas support for our cause I am seeking help for our organisation in light of the current spate of drug overdoses at music festivals.

STOP PARTY DRUG DEATHS is an appeal launched by Hunter Life Education to reinforce the need for preventative drug education in the Hunter region amid dance party/music festival overdoses and subsequent deaths of our young people.

Hunter Life has been at the forefront of drug and alcohol education in the Hunter for over three decades via our primary and secondary school programs and in 2019 it is sadly even more relevant than ever.

As this problem continues, Hunter Life Education is calling on local residents and businesses to support preventative drug education in a bid to reduce drug-related harm in our community by ensuring that every year 6 & 7 student in the Hunter region can participate in our education program.

The cold hard fact is that we need to raise $325,000 to ensure the success of the program in 2019.

The ‘Decisions’ education module developed by Life Education is designed to provide young people, specifically the upper Primary and lower High School aged children, with factual information on current illicit and legal drugs on the market, how they affect the body, strategies to avoid falling prey to peer pressure and safe decision-making skills.

You can view the Decisions module here.

We are looking for support by way of a donation or sponsorship and contributions can be made directly via our appeal website

This is urgent, and the time to act is now so we can reach all Hunter students in 2019. Any donation is greatly appreciated. It costs $26 a year to support one child, and any donation will make a huge difference –

$625.00 will Adopt-A-Class

$4500.00 will Adopt-A-School

$36,500.00 will adopt one of the Hunters 9 LGA’s

Please help us make a difference in the lives of young people are our future.

In advance thank you kindly for your time and consideration and hopefully your support.

Kind regards,

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