Showing UP Doesn’t Guarantee Anything

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Showing UP Doesn’t Guarantee Anything

“80% of success is showing up” Woody Allen.

Sorry Woody I can’t come with you on that one, but unfortunately a lot of people do. They think that by just being there or through simple participation it will be enough to achieve the desired result.

No doubt not much can happen if your not there, but then again, a lot more can and will happen if you do more than just show up and then simply participate.

First and foremost, have purpose as to why you are turning up. Understand why you are doing what you are about to do. Give yourself reason to not only turn up, but to turn up and go hard.

A simple, yet very important rule…Always know the ‘why’ behind the action you are about to take.

Next step would be to recognise the importance of ‘attention to detail’.

Know what has to be done, in what order it should be done and for what reason. Work through the process using your purpose, reasons and why to fuel the fire of intent.

Make sure you don’t attempt to skip one stage or step in your rush to get to another. Every step or stage you take should have importance and relevance to the outcomes you desire. Therefore it should stop you from skipping past one in the name of expediency or anything else.

The simple truth is people turn up for work everyday, yet some days are more productive than others. Sometimes, because of external influences but more often, it is not because of internal influences. No reason, no drive, no purpose. No drive, reason or purpose…no result.

Exercise programmes, gym memberships and weight loss programmes are purchased day in and day out, but unfortunately most fail. Not because the programme is wrong, but because most of the people that buy them don’t have a true sense of purpose, or the discipline to follow through each and every step of the programme, or the necessity as to why they should fully utilise what the programme has to offer.

Golfers turn up at the driving range or golf course daily, all excited about the prospects of what is going to come. Those with a purpose, a specific plan as to how they are going to achieve and a reason for why they want to achieve, usually does and in the process come away happy. Those that just start hitting balls into the air and well all of sudden, tennis is looking mighty fine.

Progress will not come from participation alone and true improvement requires so much more than just going through the motions.

Simply put…Success comes at a price.


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