How To Think Like An Olympic Champion
August 5, 2016Today Good, Tomorrow Better
October 9, 2016Today is my Father’s birthday. If he was still alive he would have been 91.
Happy Birthday E.J.!
It has been 19 years since he died and at his funeral I said…”He was not an educated man but those that came into contact with him were educated by him”.
In memory of Ernest James Nelson I thought I would share with you some of points he used in the journey of education of me:
-Allow yourself to look in the mirror and be open and honest with what it is you see
-You are bound by the element of truth in all you do and say
-Stand up for what you believe in, firstly with yourself and secondly with others
-Give credit where credit is due, but don’t take responsibility or accolades for something that is not truly yours
-Understand that the ongoing development of you as a person is dependent upon firstly recognising that you do not know everything
-Judge your behaviour against your standards and your performance against your potential
-It is important what you get from success but know where near as important as what you become by your pursuit of it
-Character is truly defined by the decisions you make when all could be lost
-Truly believe that you possess the potential to do and to be anything that you desire. That is if you are prepared to work hard enough to get it
-Be the master of your thoughts and the slave of your conscience
-Have the confidence, the passion, and commitment to live your dreams
-Reputation is what others think you are. Character is what you know you are
-When it comes to commitment, be committed
When it comes to manners be well mannered
When it comes to principle be principled
When it comes to ethics be ethical
When it comes to standards be strong
-Life Rewards Action
The Journey Continues!